Sleeping & not walking on air!!!
Well, to continue further, we have now purchased what is known as an AeroBed here. It's this beautiful electric blue inflatable mattress (2-layered), with an inbuilt pump. As part of our home furnishing exercise, we picked this up from Costco (a large wholesale warehouse store).
All one needs to do is to spread it out on the floor, plug it in, into the wall outlet, and as they say proverbially "let er rip"!!!!
The bed takes about 60 seconds to inflate to an optimum level, and the best part is that it comes with a built-in safety valve, which prevents overfilling!!
We also setup our comforter set on it, to give it a homely touch. Chinni & Raja, this is going to be your bed once you come here - so you might as well feast your eyes on it!!!
Hi Ramesh and Mahi,
The BED looks nice. Has it been spread on the ground or on a cot or something? The bed spread matches well with the carpet colour. I could see the tool box and also some packing material. suitcases etc. We also observed the standing light near the head rest of the bed.
Good. Well done and njoi sound sleep!!
Love you both
Mom and Dad
Puttaandu vallatukkal, Bachhas! May this New Year bring you much joy, peace, prosperity and FUN!
Hey, Raja and Princess, I envy you that bed! Anyway, have fun, all of you - that's an order! And then tell me all about it!
get me one
Well said.
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