Our 5 mile walk
Well it's been a while since I updated, and we have been busy. In fact to an extent, Mahi & I have created a sort of reputation in office. We are officially labelled as people who love to go out, explore, be adventurous and generally have a great time. It's kind of reached a stage, where people ask us as to whether we plan to do Mission Peak over the weekend......again!!
Anyhow, a week or two back, we did the 5 mile walk near Garin Park. This was a really nice walk / trek. Unlike the Mission peak trek, where there is a complete lack of shade, this path takes you through wooded areas, over hills, across streams and creeks too. The 6 of us - Anil, Smitha, Joel (their cute little 2 year old son), Dennis (Anil's neighbour), Mahi and I took part in this. We were also joined by Vikas, Kiran and Vamsee (3 of our colleagues). Dennis was the resident pro here, as he and his wife Dana have been over this umpteen number of times.Garin park is a part of the East Bay Parks association. The Visitor Center displays artifacts from the ranching and farming history of the Hayward area. There is a blacksmith shop, a tool shop and several ranching-related displays to explore. They also have an interesting collection of antique farm machinery outside the barn, which used to be horse driven - though is rusted now. Inside the park, they also have about 200 different varieties of antique apples. I really couldn't figure out the concept of antique apples, but that's what they are. In the months of September, they have apple picking activities as well as apple tasting activities too for the public.
The park also has a pond inside call the Jordan Pond. It's pier was constructed in 1987 by Park District crews using materials provided through the generosity of the Hayward, South Hayward and Mt. Eden Lions Clubs. the Jordan Pond is inhabited by largemouth bass, bluegill and sunfish. The Park District also plants channel catfish in the pond once or twice a year.
The attached map has the major trails marked out. To give you an idea, we started in the bottom left at the Tamarack Entrance, then moved up on the Meyer's Trail, cross the Meyer's Ranch, diverted left onto the Dry Creek Trail, went across the Jordan Pond, across the 4 picnic areas (Cattlemens, Pioneer, Buttonwood, Ranch Side), looped around, went out on the main road across that house icon, then back onto the orange trail, joined up with the High Ridge trail, all the way back to the Tamarack Entrance.....whew!!!
Hi Mahi & Ramesh,
That was very interesting especially to note that you both are being noticed (branded!!). Good to read that. Seem to have had a nice walk and enjoyed the company. Good and keep it up to keep the waist line in check!! How long did you all take to complete the trail? No snaps?!? Bash on regardless!!
Hi Papa, thats really quick - posting in almost real time!! All told, it took us about 2 hours - started at 9 am and ended by 11 am. No snaps - didn't really carry any camera.
Lovely, Bachhas! Whew! 5 miles! 10 kms! As Brigadier says, "Bash on regardless"! For the Brand Equity, too;-)
Thanks Aunty - technically 8 kms, but nevertheless - a whole lot of fun
hi ramesh jijaji!
just got back from india...few hrs ago...got ur email and decided to see ur blog...it's really v. neat! i don't have a blog or myspace or anything myself, but seems like fun!
Hey, come on! We want to hear about the train ride, elephant lady and all! HURRY UP!
Hi Saniya, thanks for dropping by. Once we meet up, we can set it up for you - time permitting that is!!!
Aah aunty - trust you to always mant to jump the gun !!! Slow and steady wins the race. Have a lot to post - so it will take a while !!!
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